About This Free Virtual Summit

"The biggest security risk is between the keyboard and the chair." For many organizations, their security is only as good as the judgment of their end users. And with AI making it harder to tell legitimate emails from ransomware and phishing emails, that's more true now than ever before.

That's where end user ransomware training comes in. Join some of the industry's top security experts for this three-hour crash course on how to foster a culture of cybersecurity vigilance in your organization.

Free Virtual Event Agenda

9 a.m. PDT/12 p.m. EDT:
End User Ransomware Training Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
10 a.m. PDT/1 p.m. EDT:
Strategies for Implementing Simulation Training
11 a.m. PDT/2 p.m. EDT:
Top Third-Party Tools