About This Free Virtual Summit

Despite its new name, Entra ID, Microsoft's cloud-based identity management platform, inherited a lot of Azure Active Directory's security baggage, from password-spray attacks to token thefts and beyond. On top of that, malicious actors are increasingly leveraging AI to find new ways to compromise organizations' Entra ID environments.

Your IT team needs to keep up with these evolving attack strategies. Sign up for this free three-hour virtual summit and get an in-depth, expert-led guide to protecting Entra ID in today's evolving security landscape. Learn how to modernize your security strategy, plus the newest tools to help you fortify your Entra ID environment before the worst happens. Don't wait -- register today!

Free Virtual Event Agenda

9 a.m. PDT/12 p.m. EDT:
Identifying the Weak Spots in Your Entra ID Environment
10 a.m. PDT/1 p.m. EDT:
Top 10 Entra ID Security Best Practices
11 a.m. PDT/2 p.m. EDT:
Solution Spotlight: Top Third-Party Tools