About This Free Virtual Summit

Your old disaster recovery plan won’t cut it anymore. IT environments are getting more complex and attacks more sophisticated. That means IT teams need to refine their data resilience strategies to ensure minimal downtime, protect against costly disruptions and keep their organization’s name out of tomorrow’s headlines.

That’s where our latest disaster recovery summit comes in. Join us for this free, three-hour virtual event to learn expert-level strategies for staying ahead of evolving data threats and ensuring business continuity. Today’s data protection landscape is vast and complicated; having a modern, adaptable disaster recovery plan is no longer optional. Learn how to build one straight from the experts – register today!

Free Virtual Event Agenda

9 a.m. PDT/12 p.m. EDT:
Identifying (and Fixing) the Weakest Spots in Your Disaster Recovery Plan
10 a.m. PDT/1 p.m. EDT:
Road-Tested Data Backup and Recovery Techniques
11 a.m. PDT/2 p.m. EDT:
Top Third-Party Tools