Google To Bid on Wireless Spectrum

As Doug mentioned yesterday, Google announced late last week that it intends to bid on wireless spectrum in the 700MHz band when the U.S. Federal Communications Commission begins auctioning that resource in late January.

Bidders had until yesterday to submit an application to join the bidding, but aren't allowed to publicly state whether they have applied. The auction begins later in January, about 45 days after the application process. Participants will bid anonymously and the FCC won't reveal which company has made a bid.

Just what Google is up to is the subject of much speculation. The company certainly wants to deliver advertising on mobile devices, but it probably doesn't want to run its own cellular network. What do you think the company is planning? Connect to me at [email protected].

Posted by Peter Varhol on 12/04/2007 at 1:23 PM


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