Getting Down to the Short Strokes with Vista

Microsoft officials confirmed yesterday they will make the release candidate test build of Windows Vista SP1 available to the general public some time next week. The company also made SP1 code available (through Microsoft Connect) to the 15,000 testers who were offered the release candidate preview.

Today, Microsoft will make the code of Vista RC1 available to its Microsoft Developer Network and TechNet. Redmond still plans to deliver the SP1 by the end of next year's first quarter.

The focus of SP1 will be a raft of security, reliability and performance fixes, updates that company officials promise will not render applications incompatible to the extent that Windows XP SP2 did three years ago.

I guess that's supposed to make us feel better about SP1. If it does, it'll be about the only thing. Don't expect a stampede of IT shops to now decide it's OK to switch to Vista because the first service pack has been delivered. SP1 hasn't exactly set the world afire.

One good thing about SP1 is that company officials claim to have significantly cut down the size of the standalone installation packages for Vista SP1 since this past summer. The installer package has been cut down between 37 percent (for the five-language pack) to 58 percent (for the version taking in all languages). Redmond officials also add that they've significantly reduced the amount of disk space SP1 requires.

Posted by Ed Scannell on 12/06/2007 at 1:23 PM


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