Getting More Social Around the Office

Atlassian, a well-known wiki provider, and NewsGator Technologies Inc., a well-known developer of RSS technologies, announced they're working cooperatively with another well-known company (Microsoft) to create greater Web 2.0-based social computing opportunities around Office SharePoint Server 2007.

According to Derek Burney, Microsoft's GM in charge of SharePoint, the collaboration with the two companies should result in new opportunities for "integrating social computing technology into a company's business productivity infrastructure."

One NewsGator executive, Dave Keller, GM for Enterprise at the company, was almost giddy about the deal, saying he believed companies of all sizes are starting to look to SharePoint as the foundation for social computing development.

Speaking at the fourth annual Web 2.0 Summit yesterday, Burney said that Microsoft's use of social computing includes a commitment to create up to 100 next-generation business applications on the SharePoint platform by next calendar year. He also noted that the Community Kit for SharePoint (CKS) 2.0 -- a volunteer-driven initiative to develop a set of best practices, templates, Web Parts, tools and source code -- enables even novice users to create a community Web site based on SharePoint technologies. More information on the CKS is available here.

Microsoft officials said they expect revenues from SharePoint technologies to exceed $800 million for fiscal year 2007.

Posted by Ed Scannell on 10/18/2007 at 1:23 PM


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