Barney's Blog

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Forget the Facebook IPO Debacle, Fix the Interface!

You've all the heard about how the Facebook stock, well, fell on its face. Don't you love it when folks lose money?

Many blame the underwriters. I blame the idiotic new interface. The old interface was great. Mid-stream it changed into something I can only describe as bizarre. And here's the truly weird thing: There are two interfaces. And you can't choose which you'd like to see -- if your friend has the old good one, you are in luck. If they have the new incomprehensible one, have fun.

What am I missing? It must be something because as young as he is, I know Mark Zuckerberg is way smarter than me.

Straighten out this old man at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 06/15/2012 at 1:19 PM


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