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Windows 7 One-Third of the Way There

According to research from StatCounter, Windows 7 now has almost exactly one-third of the operating system market share -- pretty impressive for an OS that is fairly new.

Many of us get a new machine every two or three years and there are always spouses and kids to buy for, so it only sounds right that most of that share is from consumers.

IT, on the other hand, is far more reticent. It's a daunting task to get support, applications and peripherals infrastructure up and running on a new system. Now that we've got XP running smoothly and know how to quickly fix its most common problems, we're loathing the task of upgrading.

That's why only a fifth of shops have even started a major Win 7 migration.

That may sound like bad news for Redmond, but, dig this: The Mac still only has a 6.3 percent share and Linux desktops limp in at a feeble 0.81 percent. Might be time for that crowd to give up and just worry about servers.

Am I dead wrong about desktop Linux? You tell me at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 06/03/2011 at 1:18 PM


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