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Privacy... What Privacy?

After 9/11 our government invaded our privacy to protect us. I'm not sure if this makes sense or not, or perhaps I don't want to offend my loyal readers with a political statement. I will say that I am troubled...

After we all let the Patriot Act happen, it sent a message to corporations that they can do as they please, our liberties be damned.

Google has taken total advantage, and now it and Apple have been found to be tracking the whereabouts of their mobile customers. There is big money apparently to be made on this. Location-based services can send out an ad for a pizza shop we are driving past or a department store having a big sale.

My problem is that both companies are so cavalier about what they are doing. And for Google, it is not just your location, but information about nearby Wi-Fi hotspots.

Posted by Doug Barney on 04/25/2011 at 1:18 PM


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