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Tablets Toppling Traditional PCs

Last Friday I talked about the iPad 2, and the passion the iPad (1 or 2) stirs. The passion is real, and according to Gartner, this little unit is slamming PC sales big time.

Many of you wrote me last week explaining how the iPad is becoming a true corporate computing system. I'm going to take your experiences and craft a cover story that will advise others in IT in how they too can make the iPad work in a Microsoft-dominated corporate environment.

Gartner researchers don't see the PC market shrinking. Rather, it is just not growing as fast as they originally thought. In fact, PC sales will grow this year by over 10 percent. Not too shabby.

Lately, there have been a lot of commentaries about the death of the PC, killed off by tablets and Web devices. What these dunces don't realize is that all our applications run on PCs.

Tablets and whatnot can surface these apps, but they can't really run them the same as a real computer can.

Is it realistic to think PCs will go away in the next decade, and what will replace them? Say it don't spray it at [email protected]. And please, I'd love more stories about the iPad playing a true business role. Your iPad stories are very welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 03/07/2011 at 1:18 PM


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