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Is Google Going Nuts?

I should have covered this new "policy statement" from Verizon and Google long ago -- but, quite frankly, I was too irritated. Here is the short version, in case you aren't up on the news: The two companies are working on a plan to basically neuter net neutrality, allowing ISPs and their close partners to move towards a tiered service model where schlubs like you and me get slower service while commercial services move at lightning speeds.

I believe Verizon and Google are both evil, so I'm not surprised that they formed a pact to push to have existing capitalist entities (not necessary a bad thing) control the flow of Internet traffic. Right now, this is just a policy statement. The politicians have to go along with it too. But who has more dollars to spend on cruises, fancy meals and campaign contributions -- you and me, or the likes of Google and Verizon?

Is this either a stake in the ground or a stake in the heart of a free Internet? Tell us all which it is by writing [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 08/16/2010 at 1:18 PM


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