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What's the Deal with the Seinfeld Ad?

The almost-long-awaited Jerry Seinfeld ads for Microsoft finally debuted. And like so many Super Bowls (especially when the Patriots lose), the "Sopranos" final episode and the new Guns N' Roses, the Seinfeld ad (at least the first one) was a colossal disappointment.

Jerry showed flashes of his former brilliance, and Gates was pleasantly goofy (as the script called for). But man, oh man, were the jokes flat. Jerry had a groaner about taking a shower in your clothes (you're dressed, and you're clean; open the door and go about your business), and the piece ended with Jerry's dream of a moist and chewy PC you could eat like cake. That line was as big a bomb as Windows ME, Bob and the Yahoo deal put together. Interestingly, Gates was funnier that Jerry!

Did you love or hate the new commercial? High praise and catcalls both welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 09/10/2008 at 1:16 PM


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