Windows 7

More MCSE on Windows 2003 Core Betas on the Way

Microsoft plans to test two more exams for the MCSE on Windows 2003 track later this month.

UPDATE: Certifying Your Security Expertise

Check your transcript — you might already be a security specialist, according to Microsoft.

An Eye on Security

Retina puts several security tools into one package.

Certified Mail: June 2003

Who's worth hiring; how fast will you tread to Windows Server 2003 upgrade?

Going Tapeless

LiveVault makes secure backup and restore a snap.

In-Depth Installer

The Administrator’s Introduction to Application Repackaging and Software Deployment using Windows Installer provides a solid reference.

Safe Waters

How do you dive into the sea of networks in an efficient and secure way? We look at four firewall products—both hardware and software—that will help keep the sharks at bay.

Home as Office

You can conceivably set up most of your company for telecommuting with Windows Server 2003’s much-improved RRAS and VPN features. Here’s how.

Registry Rights

Changing the registry is a scary concept, but WMI makes it simple.

Locking up the Office

Office XP is a big product, one that requires close scrutiny to properly lock down.

The State of Software Development

In the world of Microsoft, the last year has been all about .NET. Is it an improvement?

The Pricing Problem

Your faithful correspondent contemplates exam economics.

Securing Wireless

Bill wraps up his three-part series on building a wireless infrastructure by discussing security protocols.

The Dating Game

Will you accept or decline the latest offer?

Windows 2003 Training: $249 (U.S. Offer Only)

Microsoft is offering $100 off the retail price for its Windows Server 2003 training; offer valid until Dec. 31, 2003.

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