
Virtualize This

Test networks on Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 beta.

Power Brakes for IIS

Prevent Internet Information Server from being installed automatically.

Enforcing Stronger Passwords

Microsoft's password complexity filter: what's wrong with it and why you might need something better.

Digging Deep

Build effective security moats with a defense-in-depth strategy.

10 DNS Errors That Will Kill Your Network

DNS is the foundation the house of Active Directory is built upon. If DNS doesn’t work, neither will your Windows network. Here are the 10 most common DNS errors—and how you can avoid them.

Thin Clients, Fat Heads

This business owner’s thin-client Windows network was impregnable. Or so he thought, until he met Bob…

The Hidden Risks of Process Controls

These networks aren’t well known by many, yet they’re responsible for controlling much in our lives. And they’re not very secure.

Analyze Your Baseline Security

MBSA offers much more than updates to your network.

Inside Windows XP SP2 Security Enhancements

Control of external connections made easier through Windows Firewall.

Troubleshooting Tips: Get to Know FRS

Healthy FRS means healthy Group Policy.

Seriously, Least Access

Run legacy apps without hitting the security barrier.

Trustworthy Computing Isn't Just for Microsoft

It takes two to make the security world go round.

Reminder: Developer Exams in Beta Next Week

Qualified MCSD candidates can take new security-based developer exams for free; exams set for April 21 beta testing.

Using RPC Over HTTP

Specifics help build security.

Security, Security, Security

Ports are a good way in, and often remain unchecked.

Microsoft on Its Security Response

</i>MCP Magazine<i> asked Stephen Toulouse, security program manager, Microsoft Security Response Center, about the flaw and resulting controversy about the time delay.

14 Reasons To Reconsider Software Restrictions

Software Restriction Policies is a terrific new security tool—if you know what it can’t do, as well as what it can.

The Mystery of the Event Logs

Knowing what’s in your Event Logs is a key to knowing what your servers are doing. Here’s how to make sense of them.

Five Layers of Defense

You can adapt the logical perimeter network design to suit your own access requirements, but most common requirements are met with this design.

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