
Distributed FoxPro

This exam expects you—rightfully so—to be able to pick out the business requirements and their associated components in a logical model.

Duplicate Your Data

Track the Software Lifecycle

DevTrack 3.5 and ServiceWise 1.1 integrate development with technical support.

Smart Exchange

The wisdom captured in this messaging book required time, experience, and service packs.

Behind the Browser

The IEAK 5.0 exam forces you to prove your knowledge of Internet Explorer and the technologies that make it work.

Find Your Way Through Active Directory

Automate the VB Build Process

A tool for the serious Visual Basic developer.

Who's Responsible?

Pass off simple admin tasks to someone else via Aelita Delegation Manager 3.0.

SQL Around the Clock

Valuable and accurate information enabling you to excel as SQL Server database administrators.

Headlines on Your Desktop

Headline Viewer rethinks the news browser.


Possessing an MCSE certification means you probably don't need this book. It would simply be leftovers.

A Control Panel for Your Information

Drive your business with Microsoft's new Digital Dashboard.

Nice Recovery!

Executive Software's Undelete compliments your backups with another layer of file protection.

Win2K Design by the Book

The bottom line on Active Directory in fine detail.

Useful Books for the SQL 7.0 Data Warehouses Exam

Get a thorough understanding of OLAP with this excellent resource.

Software in Nice, Tidy Packages

Delegate NT Administration

Trusted Enterprise Manager lets systems administrators sleep at night.

Secret SQL 7.0

DBAs will find this a handy, useful guide to SQL 7.0's hidden gems.

Making Sense of Data

The Data Warehouse exam challenges traditional notions of data management and pushes you to excel in your SQL 7.0 knowledge.

Finding Flaws in Your Network Armor

Keep your network thriving -- L3 Security Retriever inspects it for life-threatening intrusions.

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