
Getting Through the Maze

Active Administrator simplifies Group Policy management.

Training on the Go

Transcender's TransTrainer provides a worthy alternative to busy professionals.

The Master Automator

Automate tasks with OpalisRobot 4.04.

70-214: Security Workhorse

This exam measures your abilities with baseline security, service packs and updates, securing communication channels, authentication and more.

No-Fuss Installation Work

InstallShield Developer has too much power? Try the Express version.

Debugging SQL

DevPartner DB might soon become your SQL toolbox fave.

Code, Build, Repeat

FinalBuilder adds new .NET capabilities to its project-building repertoire.

Catch-All IDE

dbPal Universal attempts total drag-and-drop development.

Total .NET SourceBook: One Place for Everything

Nifty new Code Webservice keeps growing with more useful code (as long as you're connected).

Small-Sized Editor with the Big Heart

The latest version of EmEditor adds cool new features, including support for Visual Basic .NET.

FogBUGZ 3.0 Squashes Bugs, Dead

What's smarter than tracking your project's bugs from a Web-based system?

Flat-File Revival?

With Access facing an uncertain future, Alpha Five might be a worthwhile alternative for your smaller database apps.

InstallShield Developer 8 Gets Inside Visual Studio

A new version of this venerable installer suite adds full integration with the VS.NET IDE and redistribution support.

Updates, Without the Hassle

The job of updating users with your latest, greatest software just got easier with vBuild for InstallShield Professional.

Testing 1, 2, 3

ANTS lets you stomp on your Web Services and Web apps before loosing them on the real world.

Get a Handle on Logons

Thwart lockouts with UserLock v2.2.

Control Your Metadata

Make sure the information you distribute is only what you really want out there.

AD for the Novice

Mission-Critical Active Directory addresses the intricacies of this complex topic.

Never Forget a Backup

Peer Software's Save-N-Sync simplifies a tedious task.

Take Control of Your Network

Lightspeed Total Traffic Control puts you back in charge.

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