Cloud Computing

Intel Taps SaaS for European IT Market

Intel Corp., known mostly for its hardware chips, has been gradually moving into the software cloud-computing space, with support for IT administrative tasks as its initial target market.

Report Sees Cloud Trend for OSS Developers

A survey of more than 300 open source software (OSS) developers found that many plan to distribute their solutions as services over the Internet cloud.

Microsoft Consolidates Two Online Services Teams

Microsoft is reorganizing two of its online teams -- Live Mesh and Live Services -- by centralizing them under a Windows segment, according to reports from Mary-Jo Foley and Todd Bishop published on Friday.

Microsoft Quietly Updates Live Mesh

Microsoft announced a client update to the beta version of Live Mesh on Tuesday.

Google Expands Enterprise App Partner Program

Google on Wednesday launched a beefed-up Google Apps reseller program for the enterprise, opening the program beyond its initial 50 core team members

Microsoft Updates Windows Cloud Tooling

Microsoft released the second community technology previews of its Software Development Kit and Visual Studio extensions for the new Windows Azure cloud services platform.

Half of Developers Report Hosted Software Projects

New global research forecasts a swift rise in development plans for Software as a Service applications in the next 12 months.

Microsoft Envisions 'Pay-as-You-Go' Computing

Microsoft has issued a patent application, published on Dec. 25, that specifies the metered use of computers.

Hey You, Get onto My Cloud

The preview release of the Windows Azure Services Platform kicks off Microsoft's cloud-computing era, which promises to dramatically change the computing strategies of IT shops.

Microsoft, Citrix and VMware in Brewing Battle

The three companies are getting ready to rumble over ownership of the hypervisor cloud.

Cloud Computing Prompts New IT Planning

Microsoft's announcement last week that it will offer a new software development platform for cloud computing added new energy to the debate over how and when organizations might begin turning to the technology.

PDC: HP Startup Tests Windows Azure Cloud Platform

A startup company called is currently using Windows Azure, the new Microsoft "cloud operating system" supporting software as a service applications and storage.

PDC: Microsoft's Cloud-Based SQL Services Redefined

Microsoft is evolving its strategy for relational data services in the cloud.

Flying Solo: Ozzie Takes Microsoft to the Cloud

As his boss Bill Gates departs, Ozzie takes Microsoft's online strategy into the cloud.

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