Cloud Computing

Office 365 Beta: Cloud-Based Business Suite Replaces BPOS

Microsoft today unveiled a new cloud-based version of a suite of productivity tools that combines SharePoint, Exchange, Lync (formerly Communications Server), and both the Office Web applications and the Office Pro Plus desktop client.

Lync Server 2010 Deployment Plans Cited in Study

An industry-sponsored study, announced on Wednesday, gauged interest in Lync Server 2010, Microsoft's newest unified communications solution.

Survey: Cloud Benefits Not Clearly Defined

A recent survey shows that one of the greatest challenges facing the adoption of cloud computing is that the industry isn't selling it very well.

Microsoft Buys AVIcode

Microsoft on Wednesday announced the acquisition of Baltimore-based AVIcode Inc., a provider of .NET application performance monitoring software.

Ballmer Talks Up the Cloud in European Tour

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer went to Europe this week to help sell the Internet cloud, a key Microsoft business area.

Microsoft Releases Windows Live Essentials 2011

Microsoft last week announced the availability of Windows Live Essentials 2011, a free consumer suite of applications designed to connect Windows users to the Internet cloud.

Microsoft Gains New Online Service and Live@edu Customers

Microsoft today named new companies that have subscribed to its hosted Exchange/SharePoint services, as well as colleges and universities that shifted to its Live@edu services.

Microsoft Adds Dashboard for Monitoring BPOS Services

Microsoft this week rolled out a dashboard tool for customers around the globe using its Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) hosted services.

Minnesota Inks Deal With Microsoft on BPOS Services

The state of Minnesota has embraced Microsoft's Internet cloud services by agreeing to an application outsourcing deal.

Microsoft Releases BizTalk Server 2010 to Manufacturers

Microsoft today released BizTalk Server 2010 to its hardware manufacturing partners, which means that products will ship to customers soon.

Gartner Says Cloud Spending On the Rise

Cloud computing services accounted for 12.5 percent of overall IT budgets, according to a research report released this week by Gartner.

Microsoft Takes HPC to the Cloud

New release aimed at broadened use of Windows HPC Server.

Microsoft Reports Major BPOS Outages, SLAs Affected

Microsoft this week disclosed that its Business Productivity Online Services (BPOS) had three service outages that affected BPOS customers in North America in August and September.

Microsoft Releases Dynamics CRM 2011 Beta

Microsoft today released a beta of its upcoming customer relationship management (CRM) solution.

Gartner: Microsoft 'Dominates' E-Mail Market

Microsoft received a "strong positive" rating in a study of e-mail system vendors by Gartner, which was released in mid-August.

Moving to Hybrid IT: Integrating Cloud Technologies

Software as a Service (SaaS). Hosted services. "The Cloud." These are terms that have been flying around the IT industry more and more frequently of late, and if you haven't been paying attention, it's time to start.

Q&A: Microsoft CIO Tony Scott

Exec oversees "dog-fooding" of Redmond's new technology and migration to the cloud.

Citrix To Acquire VMLogix

In a move aimed at extending its Open Cloud infrastructure, Citrix Systems Inc. has agreed to acquire VMLogix Inc.

Microsoft Releases Windows Azure Security Resources

Microsoft provided more information about security for Windows Azure, publishing a talk and white paper.

Windows Small Business Server 'Aurora' Preview Released

Microsoft announced on Monday that a "preview" of Windows Small Business Server codenamed "Aurora" is now available for download.

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