
Windows 2000 Update Rollup Causes Problem for Citrix Users

Some Citrix users are running into problems after installing Microsoft's Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 Service Pack 4.

Users reported problems on the Citrix Knowledge Center and on the Shavlik patch management mailing list after installing the Update Rollup, which Microsoft made available last week.

According to the reports, some users were experiencing blue screens when trying to connect to Citrix MetaFrame. Citrix confirmed the problem in a Knowledge Center article posted the day after the Update Rollup was released.

The problem affects the Windows 2000 versions of Citrix MetaFrame XP 1.0 and Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0, the Florida-based company confirmed.

"Users connecting with ICA sessions receive a blue background and the Windows GINA does not display after installing Microsoft Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4 on MetaFrame XP and MPS 3.0 Servers. The console might be unresponsive and have high CPU utilization within the winlogon.exe process," the Citrix Knowledge Center article states.

The Update Rollup appears to interfere with the Citrix ICA protocol, but not with RDP, Microsoft's protocol.

Citrix is investigating the issue and trying to find a solution. In the meantime, the company offered two workarounds -- a registry edit or uninstalling the Update Rollup.

Click here to view the Citrix Knowledge Center article.

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.


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