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SharePoint Cost Creep

SharePoint is no longer a niche product, but nearly as mainstream as Exchange and SQL Server. There are two very different groups bringing SharePoint to your shop, your own IT staff and departments that have been installing apps guerilla style.

This is all well and good, 'til someone adds up the bill. It seems that SharePoint often costs more than we expect.

Osterman Research recently queried 110 SharePoint shops, and found a great like for the tool. But SharePoint takes work and money to become effective. Only 14 percent found the tool meeting expectations when first installed.

One issue is it's tough to find experienced SharePoint pros. And the cost of ownership is high --and rising higher at almost $46 per month per person.

I'm just teasing what Osterman found. If you are interested in SharePoint, I'd modestly suggest you check out Kurt Mackie's fine report here.

Posted by Doug Barney on 11/07/2012 at 1:19 PM


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