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Gartner Wants You To Know XP Is Old

I'm thinking of not covering Gartner news anymore -- its prognostications are usually too self-serving and rarely provide any useful purpose. If I want any industry insight I'll ask Redmond Report readers a question and wait for your questions.

The latest example? The famous and (for some reason) highly-profitable research house just announced to the world that if your shop hasn't moved away from XP, then you are
"really, really late."

Hmm. Did Gartner just happen to stumble across the Vista or Windows 7 Web sites? Did it read that XP support ends in less than two years and that it actually takes a while to make a major OS migration, what with new PC hardware, apps and peripherals?

I happen to think that Gartner might once again be dead wrong. For some, ditching XP makes total sense. But certainly not for all. Microsoft always wants you to jump from OS to OS, and never skip a one. That way they paid for each and every OS they produce, even Vista.

But here's where XP shops are in the catbird seat: XP works, will be supported for two more years and will surely work just fine after April 8, 2014. That gives you plenty of time to look at Windows 8 and decide whether Win 7 or Win 8 is the best next move. If Win 8 wins the bet, you save by skipping 7. That could be an immense amount of money.

Posted by Doug Barney on 06/04/2012 at 1:19 PM


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