
Windows XP OS Exam Beta Testing This Week

Exam 70-271 also to continue beta testing to Nov. 20.

Microsoft began beta testing Exam 70-272, Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Desktop Applications on a Windows XP Operating System, this week; beta testing will continue until November 20. As well, Microsoft has also extended beta testing of Exam 70-271, Supporting Users and Troubleshooting a Windows XP Operating System, until November 20. Both exams are listed online on the VUE registration site.

Exam 70-272, numbered 71-272 while under beta, is the second of two exams that are prescribed exams for the new Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician. It's primarily aimed at those who troubleshoot problems with the operating system (70-271 differs in that it's aimed at those who support and troubleshoot desktop applications).

Beta exams are free to qualified candidates who receive an invitation to take it from Microsoft. To find out how to get an invitation and to find out more about the exams, click here to read "Beta Testing of Desktop OS Exam 70-271 Nov. 3" in the News archive.

About the Author

Michael Domingo has held several positions at 1105 Media, and is currently the editor in chief of Visual Studio Magazine.


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