
August 2006 - Windows Watch Dog

A talk with the head of Microsoft Security Response Center, Stephen Toulouse. Plus, our IT admin quiz, Windows Server 2003 R2 and the new DFS, a look at Microsoft's new management team post-Bill Gates, virtual server roundup and more.


MSRC: Emergency Response, Microsoft Style

When malware strikes Microsoft code, Stephen Toulouse and the MSRC team rush in to extinguish the fire.

To Serve and to Virtualize

Virtualization on the server side can add up to big savings in hardware costs.

Back to Basics Quiz

Are you the master of your Windows domain?

Going to the Bench: Can Redmond's Backups Keep 'Em in the Game?

New management team must fill the void left by Gates.

Second Time Around

Windows Server 2003 R2 and the new DFS.


Adesso Looks to Mobilize Application Development

A Q&A with John Landry, co-founder of Adesso Systems.

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