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Win 8 Not Great, One Reviewer Says

InfoWorld, now a Web-only entity, is hating on poor Windows 8. Their headline says it all: "Yes, It's that bad."

I can't agree or disagree. Although it is a review, it is, in fact, an opinion. The reviewer found some stuff to like, but found the gap between "Metro" and the old desktop interface to be a fatal flaw, "an awkward mishmash that pulls the user in two directions at once."

One commenter had this to say: "Your review, Yes, it's that bad."

What I've learned is that Win 8 is so different that it's like a piece of art -- everyone has an opinion (and check out this month's Redmond magazine cover story, which features readers' opinions on Microsoft's new OS).

Don't be shy, more Win 8 and RT comments welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 09/05/2012 at 1:19 PM


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