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Doug's Mailbag: Mobile Exchange

Readers give their thoughts on Exchange apps for mobile platforms.

My experience with the Android outlook client is that it's fantastic. I have 30 users on it every day, including me. We use hosted exchange and have full access.

My Windows 6.5 HTC Imagio was a painful experience. I would have gone for the Windows phone 7 had Verizon offered some device options to choose from. In the end I went with the Galaxy Nexus. The Touchdown client works well, and I have had no complaints with the Exchange client nor the device.

Sorry, but many phones have problems. We have Exchange 2003 and it doesn't play well with most phones and it takes a little bit to get it to work. I support BlackBerry devices, iPhones, Win 7 Phones and different flavors of Android phones. I also manage a separate Exchange 2007 and almost everything works the first time.

I've used Touchdown when my Droid X came out -- it wouldn't connect to my Exchange 2003. Motorola found a bug with the Android app and gave me a few licenses to Touchdown. It worked flawlessly. Its modern technology -- while it seems like they should just work, there are always little glitches.

We have  around 347 Android users. The rest are iPhones (500 or so) and two Windows Phone 7 devices. Everyone is pretty good with their particular unit as far as e-mail goes, but the Windows users still complain about random freezes and reboots.

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Posted by Doug Barney on 09/19/2012 at 1:19 PM


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