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Windows 8 Phones Made in Redmond?

We've all heard that Microsoft is planning on making some of its own Windows 8 Surface tablets --  as big of a blockbuster move by Microsoft into PC hardware if I've ever seen one (and I've been following this stuff since June 4, 1984). All right, so I missed the Apple 1, the first IBM PC and the first Compaq, but I did see the Mac debut in '86!

On the heels of Surface are rumors that Microsoft is building its own Windows 8 Phone. "It's just a rumor," you skoff! Let me tell you a little about Rick Sherlund, the man behind the rumor. Sherlund was at Goldman Sachs in 1986 when Microsoft went public, and he, more than anyone I could recall, drove the IPO.

Now Sherlund says that Microsoft "may" be working on such a phone, which is a responsible way to share such information, in my estimation.

Given Nokia's shaky circumstances, this "may" not be a bad idea.

Keep in mind that Sherlund, still a Wall Streeter but not at Goldman, thought that Bing might be sold to Facebook -- so the "may" could be a very important word here. 

Posted by Doug Barney on 06/25/2012 at 1:19 PM


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