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Doug's Mailbag: Will You Move to Windows 8?

Readers share their thoughts on moving over to Windows 8 on release:

I am not sure that moving to Windows 8 will ever be a priority for me. I do not view every new version of an OS as a must-have since the operating system is just an interface to the hardware for applications. Since I do not buy most of sales hype (if you need marketing guys to sell me something, I probably don't need it anyway) there is not good reason to jump to another OS just for the fun of doing it. I am guessing we will go to Win 8 when the next version is in beta.

My focus with a new OS or application is how it impacts the enterprise business. Because of this I tend to hold off on downloading betas until they are close to RTM -- so I haven't taken a look at Windows 8 yet.

Our IT visionaries have decided that we will adopt future operating systems within nine months of their release. We're still stumbling around trying to migrate to Windows 7 and can't even determine what apps need to be sent offshore to a Microsoft packaging/sequencing factory in India (we've contracted with MS to help us do the migration). It's embarrassing.

Anyway, if we stick to the new vision we'll be rolling into Windows 8 right after we finish Windows 7 (assuming we can actually finish Windows 7).

I am an early adopter so I will go to Windows 8 sooner rather than later. My employer is a 'major mid-western university' and it is pretty aggressive. But I would not expect my employer to roll out Windows 8 before Summer 2013. Or maybe as late as Summer 2014.

Tried the developer's preview and the IE 10 trial. As the help person for a small school district, trying to keep teachers up to date with interface and system changes from XP to Vista to win 7 has been enough headaches. The changes for Win 8 even confused me when I tried to do the simple maintenance activities that I do routinely. Some I never did figure out in either of the interfaces. Using the control panels create a nightmare. Will try to avoid Windows 8 and let the person hired after I retire in a couple of years deal with it. At home -- never!

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Posted by Doug Barney on 02/03/2012 at 1:19 PM


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