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Minor-League Bad Guy Jobs Calls Out Google

Steve Jobs is a real American hero. It's tough to knock the guy, but I'll try anyway: His products are almost always closed and expensive, and he has a penchant for going after journalists for doing their job.

Despite these flaws, Jobs generally has the moral high ground, and that's why his recent Google comments sting so much. Google is famous for claiming to "do no evil." Jobs isn't buying it, saying it's all a load of...well, you fill in the blank.

Jobs' beef seems to be over Google going after the iPhone: Jobs isn't competing in search, so why should Google enter the phone wars?

I don't get it. I'm in favor of competition, and as long as Google competes with the iPhone fairly, what's the beef? Clearly, there are other ways Google has violated the "Do no evil" code.

Is Jobs right to be irritated? You tell me at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 02/03/2010 at 1:17 PM


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