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Ballmer: We Don't Need No Stinking iPhones!

The reports I've read about last week's Microsoft company meeting expressed horror and surprise that CEO Steve Ballmer would rip an iPhone out of an employee's hands, threaten to stomp it into tiny Apple pieces, and then periodically berate the employee during his speech.

At first, I figure Ballmer just wigged out and was truly outraged. Then I remembered a recent dinner with a guy who wrote these speeches for Steve for two years. Ballmer always wants to have an impact -- and will take chances to get one. My guess: This was planned all along. Ballmer has the last laugh.

We need more CEOs with spunk. Who is your most entertaining high-tech leader and why? Express your admiration by writing [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 09/14/2009 at 1:17 PM


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