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Office 2010: Learn To Love the Ribbon

As a recent Office 2007 convert, I now have first-hand knowledge of the ribbon interface. In some ways it's easier; commands are organized in clusters, and it's easier to customize how commands are presented. But after a month of solid use, I'm still often befuddled. (But even after 20 years of Office use, the old interface is pretty befuddling, too!)

If you want to stick with Microsoft, you best get used to the ribbon. Office 2010 contains a revised ribbon and Office online apps will also sport the controversial interface.

Do you love or hate the ribbon? Cast your votes at [email protected]. And here's a trivia question: Where does the line "Who, who will not wear the ribbon?" come from? Answers can also be sent to [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 07/24/2009 at 1:16 PM


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