PC World Test Disputes Redmond Reader Findings
Who should I trust: one PC World reviewer or nearly 50 Redmond magazine readers? I did a two-part series about Windows 7 and dozens of you told me Windows 7 was far faster than Vista. Now comes PC World with a single test -- albeit on three computers -- showing that they're roughly equivalent. I'm sure the results of that one test are accurate, but that's the problem -- it was only one test.
When you interview 50 people, not all will have the same result. For me, the fact that most of you found Windows 7 faster is proof enough. Has anyone found Windows 7 too slow? Complaints and compliments equally welcome at dbarney@redmondmag.com. And check out my Windows 7 two-parter here (Part 1) and here (Part 2).
Posted by Doug Barney on 05/18/2009