
Free 70-240 Voucher Offer Ends Nov. 1

MCSE candidates who want to take the quick path to MCSE Windows 2000 recertification have less than a month to order the free voucher for the 70-240 Windows 2000 Accelerated exam.

The voucher is available from Microsoft and can only be ordered via the company's secured MCP Web site. may seem to be repeating itself like a broken record, but the editors still receive e-mail queries about that exam and the free voucher.

Specifically, candidates qualify for the voucher by passing the NT 4.0 exams (70-067, NT 4.0 Server; 70-068 NT 4.0 Server in the Enterprise; and 70-073 NT 4.0 Workstation), which were retired Dec. 31, 2000. Microsoft hasn't made any attempts to directly contact all testers who passed these exams outside of announcing this offer on its MCP Web site and numerous subscriber newsletters.

To find out how to order the voucher, go to

About the Author

Michael Domingo has held several positions at 1105 Media, and is currently the editor in chief of Visual Studio Magazine.


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