Are you a card-carrying Windows 2000 MCSE? If you achieve the title before Oct. 31, 2001, you very well may be one.

Distinguishing Windows 2000 MCSE Early Adopters

Are you a card-carrying Windows 2000 MCSE? If you achieve the title before Oct. 31, 2001, you very well may be one.

Are you a card-carrying Windows 2000 MCSE? If you achieve the title before Oct. 31, 2001, you very well may be one. Microsoft will be issuing a "limited-edition MCSE Early Achiever identification card" to each MCSE who recertifies before Oct. 31, 2001. The card will also include date of completion of the recertification.

It's a timely and surprising response for Joshua Konkle, an MCSE and MCT at Digital Knowledge in Georgetown, Texas. "We have all worked very hard and are due some recognition for our efforts," says the charter Win2K MCSE who upgraded last September.

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